Wed, Oct 23, 2024

Explained: The Paleo Diet...Will It Work For You?

You may have heard the Paleo diet called the caveman or primal diet and wondered how eating like our ancestors could have health benefits for modern humans. The reality is that research is beginning to show that many aspects of our modern diet are contributing to health problems such as obesity and diabetes, and that eating the foods our ancestors would have had available to them can provide surprising health benefits.

What is the Paleo Diet?

Our ancestors would have been able to eat a naturally clean and organic diet since their food would have been free of chemicals, additives and preservatives. Therefore, lean, natural grass-fed meats and wild fish, as well as eggs, are an important part of the Paleo diet. Healthy fats and oils such as coconut oil, butter and olive oil are also included. The remainder of the Paleo diet consists mainly of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and roots. Foods that are not included in the Paleo diet include most dairy products, grains, potatoes, refined sugars, processed foods and alcohol.

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How a Free 7-Day Eating Plan Can Help You Manage Your Diabetes

Prediabetes is a condition that develops when the body stops producing enough insulin to process glucose, causing the sugar levels in the body to be higher than normal. Although prediabetes is likely to develop into type 2 diabetes within 10 years if left untreated, the condition can be managed and even reversed with a healthy lifestyle and diet changes.

The Causes of Prediabetes

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas. Consuming sugar normally causes the pancreas to secrete enough insulin to convert the sugar to energy. This process stops working properly when prediabetes develops. Although doctors aren't completely sure of the exact cause of prediabetes, studies are beginning to show that certain people have a genetic predisposition to the development of prediabetes. Excess weight and abdominal fat have also been shown to increase the chances of developing diabetes. Other risk factors include advancing age, a diet high in sugars, lack of exercise, family history and lack of sleep.

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