Sat, May 11, 2024

How To Lower Your Blood Pressure Without Medication

There's a dirty little secret about blood pressure medication: the "cure" is often worse than the disease.

If the high cost of the medication itself wasn't bad enough, there are the many humiliating and painful side effects, which can include frequent urination, impaired libido, low energy, headaches, insomnia, and more.

Dr. Merritt wants to give you a much better alternative. With the help of her publisher, Primal Health LP, she has created a step-by-step guide that helps people lower their blood pressure in a safe, natural, side-effect free manner, using her proprietary food-based method.

Unlike the half-baked advice you get online when you search for natural blood pressure treatment options, Dr. Merritt's method is backed by cutting-edge, peer-reviewed science.

As a Doctor of Oriental Medicine with a Masters in Nutrition, Dr. Merritt believes that while blood pressure medication does have it's place, it should be considered a measure of last resort, and that a natural, food-based method is the cheaper, safer, and ultimately more healthy approach.

Big claims? Perhaps. But Dr. Merritt and Primal Health LP have the results to back it up. So far over 75,000 people have already read this guide, and more and more success stories come in each week.

Reader results include:

  • Lowering blood pressure to safe, healthy levels in as little as seven days
  • Going off all blood pressure medications permanently (with doctor approval)
  • Higher energy levels and sense of well-being

If you'd like to try Dr. Merritt's blood pressure lowering method yourself, you can find it exclusively at this website:

Learn more

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