Fri, Mar 14, 2025

Supplement Safety: What Everyone Needs To Know

Browsing through the aisles of a health food store, it's possible to find supplements and herbal remedies for everything from colds to headaches. While vitamins and natural supplements can be a great way to fill in nutritional gaps, it's important to keep in mind that these products don't fall under the same scrutiny and stringent testing as medications. You'll want to do your research before deciding which supplements to buy to get optimal benefits for your health.

Why Take a Vitamins?

Because the body needs over 40 different nutrients every day, it can be difficult for even a balanced diet plan to meet all the body's nutritional requirements. Many American diets fall short of nutritional requirements for various reasons, such as poor quality food choices or lack of variety. Although most vitamins, minerals and other nutritional requirements should ideally come from a healthy diet, supplementation with a multivitamin is a great way to provide nutrients that might be missing from an otherwise healthy diet. If food allergies or a certain diet plan eliminates whole food groups from your diet, it's a good idea to take a look at supplementing any nutrients that might be missing as a result.

How to Choose a Vitamin or Supplement

If you have any health conditions or take any medications, your doctor will most likely recommend vitamins or supplements that will be beneficial. Since many herbal supplements can cause side effects when taken with certain medications, be sure to discuss the possibility of interactions with your doctor.

Be sure to read the labels of any vitamins and supplements before you purchase them. The quality and reliability of nutritional supplements can vary widely. Look for information about the sources of the nutrients contained in any supplement. A great resource is the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), which has a website that provides great information to inform consumers about supplements.

For a multivitamin, look for a formula that contains a full spectrum of the basic vitamins and minerals and close to 100 percent of the recommended daily value for each of the vitamins and minerals it contains. The best multivitamins are usually targeted at the nutritional needs of a specific age group, such as seniors or women of childbearing age. Since people have different nutritional needs depending on age, gender and other factors, these vitamins are a great choice.

Smart Vitamin Club is an innovative way to enjoy the health benefits of the highest quality vitamins and nutritional supplements without the expensive price tag. After a free evaluation, you'll have a complimentary trial product, selected especially for your unique health needs, shipped right to your door. Club members enjoy 50 percent off retail prices, free shipping on all items and a free bottle to try every month.

Once you experience the quality and convenience of these vitamins, you'll never want to pay full price for supplements again. You have nothing to lose if you aren't completely thrilled with Smart Vitamin Club.

Further Reading:


1. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2007;85:257S-64S.

2. Institute of Medicine. Dietary Reference Intakes: The essential guide to nutrient requirements. Washington (DC): The National Academies Press; 2006.

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